
Share Data

Company Name : Métropole Télévision
ISIN code : FR0000053225
Reuters code : MMTP.PA
Bloomberg code : MMT: FP
Share capital : € 50,565,699.20 comprising 126,414,248 same class and fully
subscribed and paid-up shares with a par value each of € 0.40.
Stock market listing : Compartment A of EURONEXT Paris (companies whose
average stock market capitalisation is more than a billion Euros)
Date 1st listed : September 28th, 1994
Differed Settlement Eligibility (SRD) : yes

Stock performance

In €20192018201720162015
Number of shares126, 414, 248126, 414, 248126 414 248126 414 248126 414 248
Share price-high18.1523.8622.117.819.96
Share price-low13.0713.5817.78513.65815.245
Share price-closing16.7814.0421.53517.6715.84


Since the reform of the Euronext Paris Stock Exchange listing on 21 February 2005,
the Métropole Télévision share is now listed under Eurolist Compartment A (companies
whose average market capitalization exceeds €1 billion). Following the new composition
of the Euronext index announced on 3 February 2011, the Métropole Télévision share i
s now also a component of the CAC MID 60, SBF 120, CAC Mid & Small, CAC All-Tradable
, CAC All-Share, CAC Media and CAC Consumer Serv.